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The Language Use Inventory is published and distributed by:
Knowledge in Development Inc.
5-420 Erb Street West, Suite 403
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 6K6
tel/fax: (888) 232 2502

Inquiries regarding the LUI's use in research and clinical practice can be directed to:
Dr. Daniela O'Neill, Professor
Director, Children's Communication Lab
Department of Psychology
University of Waterloo
Waterloo, ON N2L 3G1
tel: (519) 888-4567, ext. 32545

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The use and purchase of the LUI is restricted to qualified speech and language, health, clinical and research professionals. If, as a parent, you believe the LUI may be helpful for a concern you have about your child’s language development, we suggest you bring the LUI to the attention of a local speech and language professional.

To help locate local services related to children’s speech and language development, and information about children language development, we offer further information below. The information presented is carefully curated and updated by Dr. Daniela O’Neill, professor of developmental psychology at the University of Waterloo (Canada) and the developer of the Language Use Inventory. The resources provided below are largely cost-free. In some cases a cost may be attached (e.g., to buy a book), but in these cases, the materials have been included because they are well-respected and well-known with the community of child development and child language researchers and professionals.

This is a select list of sites that meet the highest scientific and professional standards and that can offer parents a very good starting point to learn more about.

Canada and the USA

Speech-Language and Audiology Canada (SAC) maintains a national database of SAC clinically certified practitioners. You can search this database for a speech-language pathologist or audiologist by location and age group serviced. This database does not include a full listing of all SLPs working in Canada. It contains only those SAC members who have chosen to submit a listing.

The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) maintains a directory of speech-language pathologists and audiologists who hold the Certificate of Clinical Competence (CCC) from ASHA. Although the majority of professionals in the directory are working in the US, the directory does allow searches for many other countries worldwide.

Other Countries

Similar professional organizations to CASLPA and ASHA exist in other countries that also maintain databases to help parents find speech-language and audiology professionals. In other countries, such professionals may hold a slightly different name, such as speech and language therapist (in the UK for example). A few links that may be helpful are provided below, by country:

United Kingdom:

From the Royal College of Speech & Language Therapists: How to find an SLT


From Speech Pathology Australia, the national body for the speech pathology profession in Australia: Find a speech pathologist

New Zealand:

From the New Zealand Speech-Language Therapists’ Association (NZSTA): Where to find SLTs

National organizations and professional associations as well as non-profit and research/academic based sites often provide very detailed and helpful information for public audiences.

Typical Speech and Language Development (ASHA; USA).

Here you will find information on such topics as “What is language? What is Speech?”, “Late Blooming or Language Problem: Information for Parents” and charts of developmental milestones from birth to 5 and tips for parents

Child Speech and Language (ASHA; USA)

This site provides further information about speech and language disorders in childhood as well as other medical and developmental conditions such as attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder and autism.

Talking Point: the first stop for information on children’s communication (UK)

Talking Point is a website all about children’s speech. Language, and communication. It is designed for parents and people who work with young children. It provides information on typical communicative development, identifying communication difficulties, and advice and resources related to what you can do as a parent if your child is struggling to communicate. It is run by I CAN, the UK’s largest charity supporting children with speech, language and communication difficulties.

Raising Awareness of Developmental Language Disorder (RADLD) YouTube Channel

RADLD (formerly RALLI) is a YouTube channel that aims to provide videos that explain what a language impairment is, the impact it can have and how to get help. It was launched in May 2012 by a team of academic researchers including Dr. Maggie Snowling, Dr. Gina Conti-Ramsden, Dr. Courtney Norbury, led by Oxford University Developmental Neuropsychologist Dr. Dorothy Bishop. It is aimed at children, parents, families and education professionals. RADLD is funded by support from Afasic England, the Welcome Trust, the Economic and Social Research Council (United Kingdom), and the Waterloo Foundation (Wales). New videos are added periodically, also in different languages.

Resource Library: Children’s Communication Development (SAC, Canada)

Information related to children’s communication development, developmental milestones, early identification, where to seek help. Compiled for parents by Speech-Language and Audiology Canada.

The Hanen Centre: Helping you help children communicate (Canada)

Founded in 1975, The Hanen Centre is a Canadian charitable non-profit organization. Their mission is to provide parents, caregivers, early childhood educators and speech-language pathologists with knowledge and training to help young children develop the best possible language, social and literacy skills. Many speech-language pathologists worldwide choose to use Hanen’s resources in their clinical work with children and their families Hanen puts parents first and their materials and resources are developed with, “the firm belief that parents can and should be their child’s most important language teachers”. Hanen has developed several research-based programs and resources for parents of children 0-5years of age such as books and dvds that can be purchased online. Their website also contains free resources and tips for parents. Their resources are divided into 4 areas, to help parents of typically developing children, parents of children with language delays, parents of children with autism spectrum disorder and parents of children with Asperger syndrome. As a starting point, parents may find the It Takes Two to Talk ® Guidebook and DVD particularly helpful.

I CAN: Helps children communicate (UK)

I CAN is a registered UK charity with the mission to ensure that no child who struggles to communicate is left out or left behind. Parents, practitioners and individuals working with children will find information and resources related to children with speech, language and communication needs (SLCN).

Sharing Books with Toddlers, The Hanen way (Canada),-The-Hanen-Way.aspx

Sharing picture books, both wordless ones and story ones, with your child offers many opportunities to engage in talking with your child and lays an important foundation for your child’s later reading and success in school. With young 2- and 3-year-old children, any kind of talk while looking at a picture book (e.g., talking about the pictures, finding things that are similar or different to your child’s life) can be just as, or even more important, than reading the words exactly as they are in the story. This Hanen site chosen will provide you with lots of tips for how to share and read books with young children that are geared for different ages (see also the complementary side: Sharing Books with Preschoolers, The Hanen way,-the-Hanen-Way.aspx). Two other sites that are also recommended are:

Reach Out and Read (USA)

This program is based in the USA, but in their resource center, under literacy materials, parents will find helpful information on such topics as choosing books for children and reading tips. Free audio books for children are also available.

Words for Life, National Literacy Trust (UK)

This site is designed for parents. It features many different kinds of fun activities for parents and children to do together to help foster children’s communication skills. Many of these activities are based on children’s books, and include audio books, colouring sheets, games. For parents, the site also provides lots more information including reading tips from children’s authors, answers to common questions, and book recommendations.

Your local library will also be able to give you more information and may have a website with information, and free access to audio books, as well. Googling “reading book sharing with toddlers preschoolers” will also bring you to sites with good information.

Your child’s doctor may be a good first person to ask about resources for children and parents and services in your community, especially those that may be available at no cost to you. You may also wish to try searching the web (e.g., google) using search words such as the name of your community and “Department of Public Health”, “Community Health Services” to locate email or phone numbers that you can contact for more information.

Within your community there may also be no-cost, free programs available where you can drop-in with your child and learn more about how children’s language develops, get answers to questions, take part with your child in a range of programs and play activities, and get more information about programs and services in your community. You may be able to locate some of these by searching the web using such terms as “free early childhood programs” or “free early years programs.” If you have a local library, they may also have such programs or be able to help you locate local programs and services.

The following sites have information about early language and literacy, but also have a broader focus on behaviour and development in early childhood and so have information on many other topics as well.

Zero To Three: Early Language and Literacy (USA)

The mission of Zero To Three is to promote the health and development of infants and toddlers. Zero To Three is a national nonprofit organization that informs, trains and supports professionals, policymakers, and parents in their efforts to improve the lives of infants and toddlers. Their goal is to increase public awareness about the significance of the first three years of life by bringing together the fields of medicine, mental health research science and child development.

Encyclopedia on Early Child Development (Canada)

The Encyclopedia on Early Child Development is produced by the Centre of Excellence for Early Childhood Development (GRIP – Universite de Montreal) and the Strategic Knowledge Cluster on Early Child Development in Canada. It is Canada’s leading resource of the best and most up-to-date knowledge on the development of young children from birth through age 5. According to their usage statistics, it is used primarily by people who work with children, including educators, nurses, psychologists, and social workers. Many topics are addressed with a focus on three questions: How important is this? What do we know? and What can be done? The Encyclopedia is headed by, and has an editorial committee composed of, internationally recognized experts in the field of early child development. One of the topics covered is Language Development and Literacy: